At LexinPharma, the purity percentage of custom peptides is set by our partner’s specification. Typically, many
researchers choose >95% by reverse-phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC or rHPLC). This
means that 95% of the NET PEPTIDE content (but not the total peptide content, see “What is net peptide content?“)
of the lyophilized powder shipped to you is composed of your target peptide. The other 5% of the PEPTIDE material
in your sample is usually composed of the deletion and/or addition sequences that sometimes co-elute with the
target peptide. These deletion and addition sequences are generated during peptide synthesis due to the
inefficiencies of coupling certain amino acids (typically β-branched residues (Ile, Val and Thr) or those with bulky
protecting groups (Arg, Gln, Cys and Asn) are either missing or sometimes duplicated) in some of the synthesized
molecules. Purity is usually determined by reverse-phase HPLC. We have the ability to meet any purity percentage
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